Homemade chicken noodle soup. All local ingredients (except the EVOO)
This probably doesn't look like a big deal but I didn't even know normal people could make soup until I was 25. All my soup was from cans or at restaurants that also made their soup from cans. #ilovelocal
Just for Fun
Egg Yolk, Garlic, Leeks, Olive Oil, Chicken, Flour
JenniferEmilson 9yr Homemade soup, not to mention homemade stock, is a labour of love!
DietID_TeamDietitians 9yr Ya agree! I think we need to do a soup feature soon. It's getting cold
MargaretG 9yr @rachna yes!
Make your own Alfajor!

Our fave coffee shop (Lorca) in Stamford CT offered these today!
I put down ALL my devices for lunch today and ate mindfully. I felt refreshed after the salad instead of still hungry. #foodstandchallenge
garv I've been doing that for a while now. It may sound weird but food actually tastes better & I eat less too!
DietID_TeamDietitians You'll have to try the distraction free meal challenge next week with me!
garv Done!
Pro tip! Pre-cut your kale. Eat greens all week.

Do you ever buy greens from the farmers market (or grocery) and then let them hang out in the fridge, turning yellow and losing nutrients until they're no good - b/c it takes too much time to wash...
Local oysters taste like the wind and the waves.
The Restaurant at Rowayton Seafood

Local shellfish harvested a few hours ago are the only kind to eat. #KnowYourFarmer #seatotable