i make my own apple cider vinegar by using apple leftovers!

"So, basically my attempt to regularly blog failed big time. But it's never
too late to continue.
While I was not writing anything, I was doing and trying so much with food,
specially trying to preserve food. And it was October, the great apple
month. I was making apple tarte, dehydrating them to have some healthy
snacks and I did this: I made my own apple cider vinegar. I never even
considered making my own ACV, but stumbled upon it in Vinegar Socks, a nice
little book about home remedies and in Alice Waters pantry book. 
It's super easy: 1 - Get some apples That's actually the fascinating part. You can buy some apples and just chop
them up. Or you can save your apple leftovers (peels and cores) in the
fridge and once you have enough start making your vinegar. That tip was in
the book by Alice Waters and is now how I start my vinegar. Less waste!
2 - Add water and honey Here as with the Kvass earlier, I don't measure too much. A spoon and some
water, if it's a lot of apples I use the big jar, if not the small one.
Cover it with a cheese cloth.
3 - Wait in the dark For good two weeks, actually. Make sure that the environment is indeed
dark. Until the apples are sinking and a bit of foam is building, it should
smell a bit like alcohol. After that strain the fluid in a bottle and let
it sit another 6 to 8 weeks. The alcohol should go away and the smell is
more vinegary. After 6 weeks start testing until you like the taste, than
remove the cheese cloth and close it properly.
Super simple, and ACV is really good for you.  Almost finished ACV"