#kitchentips "No matter how refined your palate may be, a cook who lacks good basic knife skills is a liability in the kitchen. Since we think visual aids are the most helpful way to learn, we …"
I learned knife skills in my high school culinary arts class and it's definitely some of the most invaluable kitchen knowledge I have. Also gave me an extreme annoyance for dull knives haha. My biggest pet peeve.
You had a culinary arts class in high school?! That's amazing. I've learned everything I know from my parents or grandma, but I would love to take a knife skills class at some point.
"With the support of a multitude of organizations, New York City hopes to create a wholesale facility to benefit farmers and low-income consumers—and everyone in between. "
"Turning a grassy lawn into a vegetable garden can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new study." #KnowYourFarmer#BeYourFarmer
Love the sound of this! Always hated lawns, always loved gardens