I bought too many ramps and too much chickweed a few weekends ago, so made it into pesto! (Yes, I cannot believe I pay for chickweed. It was a pest in my NC garden.) #cityslicker
Curious what you pay for chickweed? I have literally acres of it that grows wild, makes a great ground cover
@gustin the farmer john gorzynski charges about 3$ per bunch for all his greens. If you are near NYC on a Saturday morning, it would be worth it to see what he does. He sells things that lots of people consider weeds but that have been used in many different cuisines or for medicinal uses (like mugwort)
I have leftover pumpkin from halloween and was debating what to do with it. I've never made pie at home because I'm afraid it will crack. Do you have any tips to prevent cracking?
Not sure if it's just me, but I'm feeling a lot of stress in people around me. So, today, instead of adding to it when someone random stressed at me in traffic, I decided to change the trajectory ...
What a lovely idea! Thanks for the inspiration, @MargaretG
That's beautiful :) I also believe that the best medicine for stress is spreading loving kindness.
Super idea. Most will never practise this. Very Very nice of you!