Awww. Smoothies too? I try to pair my sugar intake with excessive running, but I'm not actually quite sure what the health effects are. I'm starting to appreciate that I let my blood sugar spike more than I should...
Depends on what's in the smoothies @Ricky - many at smoothie shops are made with frozen yogurt and apple juice, both packed with sugar. Order it with (almond) milk instead, or even better- make it at home using almond milk, whole fruit, cacao powder, peanut butter, flax and or chia seeds etc. equally delicious but with less sugar!
@annefood I make it at home and use bananas, milk, berries, orange juice, and maybe some mango, so it's maybe a middle-ground sugar level. I've been branching out into ginger and kale and some less-sweet ingredients though. Have a whole thing o chia seeds, so maybe I'll start working that into it too...
That's pretty good @Ricky. Branching out to kale and ginger is good! To reduce some blood sugar spike I would eliminate the OJ component, and add some protein if possible (like cashews, almonds or nut butter). If you need the OJ for sweetness, try a date instead- while it has a high sugar content at least it has some fiber. Or try to wean yourself off of the juice entirely if you can!
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