Traditional tortilla making in Santa Cruz, Guatemala!
Amazing experience to make tortillas in a local, traditional Guatemalan house. Now need to try to recreate at home! What's your favorite meal inspired by travel?
It's the best to learn from the experts :) @akhilg2002 and I took a cooking class in Siem Reap where we learned how to make banana flower salad - one of the most surprisingly delicious things I've ever had. Now I just need to find banana flower in the states!
Sounds amazing @Rachna We can go on a hunt together, you for banana flowers and me for the traditional masa, although I'm sure masa is easier to find. Hmm, I smell a travel/global ingredients inspired Foodstand cooking club!
Yes!! Should do scavenger hunts to discover new ingredients! Putting a pin in that idea for our ambassadors :)
"Happy Fourth of July! Celebrate with this, easy, refreshing and nutritious dish. Not only it is patriotic, each color will help boost your health. Red strawberries for your heart, blueberries for …"