The most delicious Pumpkin gooey butter cake from this weekend
Gluten Free Strawberry Shortcake

It's best time of the year: strawberry season! Finally got the recipe for this shortcake up on the blog. #FoodRevolution
Successful gluten free strawberry shortcake experiment!

I've decided that the best thing about baking in cast iron pans = no cleaning afterward! 😁
sugardetoxme Gorgeous!
DietID_TeamDietitians Ahh oat, almond meal, and rice flour - what's your proportion
mirasingh Looks delicious
Creamy Spring Pasta

This pasta is everything spring in one bowl!
Strawberry pie with gluten free crust

The crust was a success but obviously we had a slight explosion problem with the filling... sorry Texas...
DietID_TeamDietitians Ha! Extra filling is always worth it. How did the gluten free crust come out? I haven't had any success with a #glutenfree recipe for pie
mariaburke This gluten free crust was my best to date! I based it on the America's Test Kitchen pie crust recipe but added in some millet & oat flours to help with the chalky/gummy taste. Not quite as flaky...