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Thai veggie curry with food leftovers tastes sooo good. Did you already check my #nofoodwaste set up tips on my blog? Check 💚
Lamb necks are such a delicious cut of meat, and so cheap! Cook it like a pork tenderloin.
Local lamb producers always tell me the same thing at farmers markets: people don't buy lamb neck...
Local lamb producers always tell me the same thing at farmers markets: people don't buy lamb neck because they don't realise what an amazing cut of meat it is, and how easy it is to cook! Its very ...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Love this recipe, especially using madras curry powder, which has an awesome kick. Next time you visit that farmer you should give him this recipe so he can sell more lamb neck.
  • munchiemummy @Rachna what a great idea! I'd love to print off a recipe card(s) to help out local producers.
Grated Tomato Sauce Recipe - Bon Appétit
Great for #nofoodwaste!!! "When late-season and bruised tomatoes show up at the market, stock up ...
Great for #nofoodwaste!!! "When late-season and bruised tomatoes show up at the market, stock up and make more tomato sauce than you think you need."
Talked #nofoodwaste at Food Loves Tech today. Our "Food. Too good to waste" gallery was buzzing, sparking conversations and questions!
8yr food loves tech
Thanks to everyone who stopped in!
Thanks to everyone who stopped in!
Rosemary Romanetti with Passionfruit Ice Cubes and limes. I mostly used what was in my fridge.
Farmer Crafts Artwork With Food Waste - Modern Farmer
"Before they land in the compost pile, Ron Bigelow's using hundreds of discarded fruits and veggi...
"Before they land in the compost pile, Ron Bigelow's using hundreds of discarded fruits and veggies to make a statement." #NoFoodWaste
#NoFoodWaste tip: Make pesto from wilted greens and herbs!
I'm sure this is a no-brainer but so easy and such a good way to use up odds and ends in the frid...
I'm sure this is a no-brainer but so easy and such a good way to use up odds and ends in the fridge and pantry. Pesto is so versatile with so many possible combinations of greens/herbs and nuts. I ...
  • Gwendolyn Looks tasty! (Glad I was already planning on cooking pasta tonight!)
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Love this - especially arugula which wilts quickly
  • lauren I was just thinking I should make pesto with my wilting arugula...
See all 4 comments...
Putting sugar on them for additional sweetness. Just a little tip: cut the slices extra thin for faster drying and less oven power. 💚🌱♻️
  • JoanneG What's the best way to dry these? I've always wanted to make dried strawberries.
  • carpe_deli Usually the best way is do dry them in the oven at lowest temperature possible for 2 hours and to flip them around after an hour @JoanneG 😉
Not your mom's Oven-baked Salmon
8yr Brooklyn, NY
  • NehaNBB Yum! Is that cilantro?
  • AMK Parsley. I would normally use curry leaves but none were available on short notice. 😋
'Solidarity Fridges' Offer Free Food To The Hungry, With Dignity
“The fridge has turned into a kind of fantastic bridge between the neighbor who has a leftover pl...
“The fridge has turned into a kind of fantastic bridge between the neighbor who has a leftover plate of food, and the one who needs one.” #NoFoodWaste #foodnews
  • etsummer This is great. I think I read somewhere about an app that did this same sort of thing--sharing leftovers within the neighborhood. It would be more exclusive than this system though with...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians I love this so much. We should see if we can set one up in NYC!
  • annefood Pretty rad, right?! @Lauren posted an article about a fridge outside a restaurant a while ago which was awesome too.