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Comeback Farm, Asbury, New Jersey, orchard fresh fruit and veggies, organic. Visit farms, volunteer to help small farmers, talk to them.

FarmerDave You're right. We need more people visiting. It totally changes your perspective on food once you visit a farm.
GooseBarry Great photo. I agree as well. Talk to a farmer.
How to Talk to Your Daughter About Her Body
"How to talk to your daughter about her body, step one: Don't talk to your daughter about her body, except to teach her how it works."
darkchocolatepeanutbutter I think we've all been victims of body shaming. It's upsetting that body insecurities are passed down through generations but they can stop if we learn to accept our bodies and the bodies of others.
This is great! What to do with gross tomatoes.

"How to turn unripe, green, mealy, mushy, flavorless, terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad tomatoes into delicious (mostly Italian) food."
annefood Love this #nofoodwaste post!!!
DietID_TeamDietitians @AMK for all of your tomatoes!
NehaNBB genius chart
Cities Hire Food Systems Experts To Address Obesity, Food Access | Civil Eats
Newburgh, NY

"From Baltimore to Denver, a growing number of cities have hired food policy managers in recent years."
This Food Truck is Giving Formerly Incarcerated Youth a Path to Better Jobs | Civil Eats

"The Snowday food truck, and its parent group, Drive Change, are providing a path to work for a population with few opportunities."
garv Admirable !
Where Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Land on Food and Farming Issues - Modern Farmer

"They rarely bring it up, so we are."
DietID_TeamDietitians I actually heard Jill Stein talk about food yesterday... But not the main candidates. I even wrote a letter to the moderators of a primary debate asking to talk about food- no luck :(
How to use your food leftovers: fill them into a kumpir/oven potato đŸ˜‹ Happy Sunday guys !

DietID_TeamDietitians Such a good idea!
The Hub of Hubs: New York is Investing $15 Million in Large-Scale Regional Food Distribution | Civil Eats

"With the support of a multitude of organizations, New York City hopes to create a wholesale facility to benefit farmers and low-income consumers—and everyone in between.
We Asked Food Policy Experts What They Thought of Trump's Plan to Dissolve the FDA | MUNCHIES

"The now deleted proposal is bad news for anybody who relies on food to live."
DietID_TeamDietitians This is just a disgrace!
Gwendolyn Wow.
munchiemummy I... I can't... What?
Signs Of A Zinc Deficiency + Zinc-Rich Foods

It's easy to forget about them but micronutrients like vitamins and minerals are just as important as the macronutrients, fat, protein, and carbs. We lose minerals every day through sweat, urine an...