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Mexico's Soda Tax Success - Bloomberg View
A soda tax is being championed to be put on the ballot in Boulder and SF.. And one is currently a...
A soda tax is being championed to be put on the ballot in Boulder and SF.. And one is currently approved on ballot in the UK... Let's see what happens! "A tax on sugary drinks is working in Mexico,...
Jerusalem Artichokes or Sunchokes are the tuber of a sunflower.
"“New food of the week: Jerusalem Artichokes, as called Sunchokes  Tastes like an artichoke with ...
"“New food of the week: Jerusalem Artichokes, as called Sunchokes Tastes like an artichoke with the texture of a rutabaga. They are actually the root of a…”"
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Our friends at @diginn have been serving sunchoke on the menu for a while, and people loved it when they tried it, but probably wouldn't have picked it up at the market on their own.
  • lauren Root of a sunflower? I had no idea!
  • brittanymbarton yeah I was surprised to learn that too @lauren!
See all 10 comments...
Purple bread - superfood?
"Singaporean scientists have invented a purple bread that is slower to digest and contains three ...
"Singaporean scientists have invented a purple bread that is slower to digest and contains three times more antioxidants than normal white bread."
  • sugardetoxme Looks like a cross between a purple potato and dinner roll
Toss the Cork: New Tech Keeps Wine Fresh for 30 Days | Fox Business
"Wine drinkers can sip slowly thanks to a new hi-tech bottle that keeps the beverage fresh for up...
"Wine drinkers can sip slowly thanks to a new hi-tech bottle that keeps the beverage fresh for up to 30 days."
Whoa! Mark Bittman Leaves Vegan Meal-Kit Company Purple Carrot | Mother Jones
Purple Carrot fans - @simplywithout @mariampa @thisisheather did you see the news?
Purple Carrot fans - @simplywithout @mariampa @thisisheather did you see the news?
  • Mariampa Um, no! Will read now!
  • sugardetoxme I think he probably realized how freaking hard the last mile of food delivery is. Particularly on such a "niche" front with vegan meal delivery.
  • katewilson Wow!!!!
See all 7 comments...
Vox on Twitter: "The science of "friendly bacteria," explained"
"“The science of "friendly bacteria," explained”"
"“The science of "friendly bacteria," explained”"
  • Udi Confirms my hunches about Probiotics.
  • Yfalkson Sorry Kokbucha fans. Bacteria matter, but probiotics may not actually do much. It is probably quite hard to displace your current biome with anything new. Different story after taking antibiotics.
Booster is an app to help farmers plan better using predictive weather technology
This was discussed on Foodstand before, but thought I would resurface it as this is great as a #N...
This was discussed on Foodstand before, but thought I would resurface it as this is great as a #NoFoodWaste business using predictive weather technology. Started in Argentina, Booster is a mobile a...
How Factory Farms Play Chicken With Antibiotics
"And the inside story of one company confronting its role in creating dangerous superbugs." Great...
"And the inside story of one company confronting its role in creating dangerous superbugs." Great article on the history of antibiotics in chickens! #foodpolicy
Love NYT best-selling author Michael Moss' realistic point of view and sense of humor in today's Behind The Plate!
Michael Moss is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter who has most recently developed a...
Michael Moss is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter who has most recently developed an important and successful career writing about health, marketing, policy and corporate interests re...
  • Anke What a dapper man!
  • SpiceySpice Damn, I haven't read the book yet, but now I will. Great interview!
  • annefood Yes indeed @Anke ! Silver fox for sure.... @Rachna
See all 4 comments...
First multi-year study of honey bee parasites and disease reveals troubling trends
Researchers in the United States recently completed the first comprehensive, multi-year study of ...
Researchers in the United States recently completed the first comprehensive, multi-year study of honey bee parasites and disease as part of the National Honey Bee Disease Survey. The findings revea...