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Few Tips for Earth Day

Food comprises about 17% of NYC's waste stream. When this material is sent 
to a lan...
"COMPOST Food comprises about 17% of NYC's waste stream. When this material is sent
to a landfill it contributes to NYCs disposal costs and creates greenhouse
gas emissions. Composting is ea...
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Which health studies were funded by major food businesses? - Marion Nestle
"Thanks to a reader for sending these items from a journal that I don’t usually come across.  The...
"Thanks to a reader for sending these items from a journal that I don’t usually come across.  These bring the casually collected total since last March to 145 studies favorable to the sponsor …"
Food+Enterprise Conference images now online! 📸
9yr Brooklyn FoodWorks
We have some great moments from the event. Recap of our first  #FoodBookandFilm talk and pitch fe...
We have some great moments from the event. Recap of our first #FoodBookandFilm talk and pitch fest coming soon.
Grocery Store's Pre-Cut Avocado Sparks Outrage
Here we go, again... #foodnews
Here we go, again... #foodnews
Target tests food transparency ideas at Edina store | Star Tribune
They are testing things like arrival date to put a premium on freshness for produce. Wish they wo...
They are testing things like arrival date to put a premium on freshness for produce. Wish they would do the same for meats and dairy and offer transparency for sourcing
Food Politics by Marion Nestle » Soda Politics gets Presidential: Sanders v. Clinton on soda taxes
Thank you Marion Nestle for clarifying the argument for and against soda taxes. On the heels of Sanders coming out against the tax, it begs the question - does he really understand the social impac...
Clinton Calls for $15 Minimum Wage & End of Tipped Wages
We are the "only industrialized country in the world that requires tipped workers to take home th...
We are the "only industrialized country in the world that requires tipped workers to take home their income in tips, instead of wages," said Clinton on Wednesday night. #policynews
  • Udi Sounds like she's feeling the Bern 😉
Returning Farm Animals to Pasture: The Deconstruction of the US Egg Industry
Would You Eat Vegetable-Based Desserts?
"Hungryroot uses ingredients like black beans, sweet potato, chickpeas and carrots in these ready...
"Hungryroot uses ingredients like black beans, sweet potato, chickpeas and carrots in these ready-made dessert batters and custards."
See all 7 comments...
Open-Face Scuttlebutt Sandwich now up on
"Ever hear of a scuttlebutt sandwich? Well this is quite delicious! "
"Ever hear of a scuttlebutt sandwich? Well this is quite delicious! "