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Shoutout to @ancolienyc for really cool concept last night. Love the glass!

ancolienyc Thank you!!
Picked up these beautiful oyster mushrooms at the market. Just in time for a Gorgonzola and Oyster Mushroom Risotto.
Union Square Greenmarket

These mushrooms are perfect for sautés, stews, and raw in salads - versatile little creatures of goodness!
lauren YUM!
lauren That risotto sounds amazing too
DietID_TeamDietitians Ok that risotto!!!!!
These ramps will soon be ramps pesto!

From Mountain Sweet Berry Farm at Union Square Greenmarket
What you decide to put at the end of fork can make or break your HEALTH.

sugardetoxme Welcome and thanks for the post!
MarthaVandenbergNutting Thank you and your so welcome :)
Fruit trees are a good lesson in taking a long-view: 4 years of tender loving care and this plum tree is finally bumper this year

FarmerDave holy cow! Did the tree fruit at all for the first 3 years?
gustin @FarmerDave a few last year but I picked them so it could focus on branch growth. A key change was planting 3 additional really close like a hedge, it is an American hybrid and potentially it...
FarmerDave Good point about branch growth. Thanks for be tip about close planting. I haven't yet delved into fruit trees but this gives me a good start
Because this Is Home Cooking, so You see My skate wings at The end Of The panfrying phase, with non pareil capers

GooseBarry I had to look up specifically what nonpareil capers were. In case anyone else didn't know what the nonpareil refers to, here's the answer from handy google: "smallest size, called nonpareil, is the...
gessdiro Thanks @GooseBarry ! Never give delicious things for granted!