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Would you put 12 teaspoons of sugar in your coffee? Great NY Times piece on the need for better sugar labels and warnings
JenniferEmilson If people only understood that this is what is in most soft drinks.
DietID_TeamDietitians Yep! The article mentioned a whole roster of drinks, including several that are commonly thought of as healthy
I am a total pepper lover! I recently purchased a black & white pepper mill, but I don't actually know the difference between peppercorns.
DietID_TeamDietitians As far as I know, black peppercorns started out green, but were dried, so that is why they are now black. White peppercorn also started out green, but they had their skin removed and are...
sugardetoxme White red green black are all the same plant. I have a peppercorn plant in my home now!
sugardetoxme I prefer seasoning with white pepper. A lot less strong than black
Should we “rewild” our urban bodies with microbes from indigenous peoples? - Quartz

"The best way of getting back essential bacteria we've lost to modern living may be to acquire them from people who live in remote parts of the world, and still have them."
DietID_TeamDietitians So interesting that so much of the gut biome is so unknown. Wonder who would be a big funder of this research
DietID_TeamDietitians Yes! @ricky this is why my policy is "dirt don't hurt."
Harvesting chocolate mint...🌱

...for our spinach and mint smoothie in Wellness class today! What's your favorite smoothie add in?!
sugardetoxme I LOVE chocolate mint. But if I had to have a favorite add in, hands down fresh almond butter and topping with bee pollen
DietID_TeamDietitians oh I've never had chocolate mint! Will have to hunt for it at the market for my slowly growing herb garden. My favorite add in is dates. They add the right touch of rich sweetness!
If you only had three herbs to cook with...

What would they be?
Ricky Basil and Herbie Hancock. Need to think about the third.
annefood Such a hard question. I always ponder this while reading the Behind The Plate answers... I guess parsley, cilantro and basil. But it's hard for me to omit tarragon .
Ricky (No but srsly I wouldn't know what to do without cumin. I think cumin and basil would do it for me.)
By pairing exercise and nutrition, fitness studios are taking a holistic approach to health- has anyone joined a fitness studio's diet plan?

To help customers avoid derailing their fitness goals with poor eating habits, some gyms are adding custom diets to their services. #foodnews
darkchocolatepeanutbutter I think this is really smart! I wish they had a program like this my YMCA.
DietID_TeamDietitians Especially for weight loss, food is the majority of influence, so it only makes sense to pair nutrition and exercise. But unfortunately in some gyms, I still see some questionable items in the...
How Do You Feel About Tom And Gisele's Diet?

"Tom and Gisele's diet is creating controversy. Here's what we think about it and how we deal with all kinds of healthy living."
darkchocolatepeanutbutter Click on the link to see my comment to this article!
DietID_TeamDietitians Love your comment! The only reason why I think it's important to talk about the diet of one of the most popular football players is because historically football has been associated with highly...
JenniferEmilson I would rather hear how doctors or cancer survivors eat than how the 'world's most beautiful couple' eats any day. They are paid to look good etc. They can afford to eat in a way that will keep...
Do you compost? I'm amazed at how quickly it breaks down!

That squash isn't something I tossed- it grew out of my compost pile!
sugardetoxme That's so cool!!!
DietID_TeamDietitians Wish super cool!
brittanymbarton gorgeous! I love seeing food growing out of the compost!
Why Hunting Down 'Authentic Ethnic Food' Is A Loaded Proposition- price of ethnic food is tied to our view of that ethnicity's place. Agree?

Great piece about Krishnendu Ray's new book. In terms of price correlation to an ethnicity's place in the world, I think price is also driven by new immigrants of that ethnicity not wanting to pay ...
garv Interesting point of view ! Every so called ethnic cuisine that travels to foreign lands evolves from being cooked to satiate that expat community's cravings to becoming an accepted / sought after...
DietID_TeamDietitians @garv such an important trajectory to understand. I also find it interesting that even once an ethnic cuisine becomes mainstream in a foreign land and adapted to that flavor palette, there is still...
garv @Rachna couldn't agree more. That's the beauty of f&b , there's room for innovation & respect for authenticity!
Michael Pollan Wants You To Eat Gluten - in the form of fermented sourdough...

Have any of you gluten-free folks tried this? #foodnews
sugardetoxme Only thing @georegulus will eat!
sugardetoxme Wonder if @unconventionalbaker can weigh in!
JenniferEmilson I've been living like this for over a year now. Only sourdough bread for me. It is definitely easier on the gut, and the probiotics created in the fermenting process eliminate a lot of what I...