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After being taunted by muffins and cookies at the coffee shop, happy to come home to make a giant bowl of veggies!
Day 1/3: Avoid Added Sugar Level II
How Giving Up Refined Sugar Changed My Brain | Fast Company | Business + Innovation
"Consuming refined sugar can impact mood, decision-making, and memory. Here's how good it can be ...
Paella is a perfect dish for group dinners
I was fortunate enough to taste this delicious treat prepped by someone who grew up in Valencia, ...
Had a pretty incredible Shabbat on Friday.
Day 7/7: Cook Dinner More Often Level III
#DayTrip to Cape Cod for a special #SundayFunday - suggestions for a perfect family-friendly #brunch spot?
Cape Cod
Mindfulness is key - to allowing treats without going overboard into a binge!!
Day 2/7: Eat One Bite At A Time Level III
This challenge called out to me!
Quite honestly, it didn't hit me that eating too fast was a real issue . Just thought of it as a ...
The Boston Globe - What does that ‘sell by’ date really mean, anyway? - Emily Broad Lieb
Love that Emily is getting more press about sell-by dates & food waste: "Leib says effectively re...
Lentils are absolutely delicious & a great source of plant powered protein!
Green lentils, onion, celery, garlic, roasted cauliflower, and lemon
43 million gallons of milk have been dumped so far this year : TreeHugger
"Americans cannot consume all the milk being produced, so much of it is going to waste."