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Crazy! Target's food spectrometer helps identify an apple's age, calories and nutrients.
Granted if you buy from a local farmer this technology is somewhat pointless because you know the...
Granted if you buy from a local farmer this technology is somewhat pointless because you know the apple is fresh. #foodtech #foodnews
  • bbny Cool!
  • mirasingh I guess this is also a good way to teach people about the benefits of local. I'm no expert but I've heard that a veggie loses nutrients every day after it is picked, so the closer you eat to the...
A moment to breathe...with fruit. I wish everyone happy holidays and longer days to come!
A moment to breathe...with fruit. I wish everyone happy holidays and longer days to come!
  • debspots Oh! the bowl is wood fired porcelain.
Purpledinner with Syrian refugees " Connect with Syria"
Purpledinner with Syrian refugees " Connect with Syria"
Time to ward off the hungries! Fresh fruit and raw nuts are my go-to for a satisfying and delicious between-meal snack.
DietIDdietitian's post
  • reneeeats Love this! I was never a huge fan of walnuts, but if I pair them with a sweet fruit, they are delicious!
  • DianaO Love walnuts and apples together in a salad!
I just made it to Level II on the The Cooking Dinner Challenge!
leila's post
Like I needed more reasons to eat avocado..
20 Reasons Why You Should Eat an Entire Avocado Every Day
20 Reasons Why You Should Eat an Entire Avocado Every Day
  • Udi I love Avocado. But, a whole one every day sounds exhausting.
  • marynfulton2 Agreed. Too much of anything can turn into a bad thing
  • lauren I think I could be up to this. Or at least half an avocado a day.
See all 8 comments...
Japanese Soufflé Cheesecake! So soft☁️
Japanese Soufflé Cheesecake! So soft☁️
Roasted spaghetti squash right out of the oven!
Roasted spaghetti squash right out of the oven!
I conquered the The 5 Fruits and Veggies a Day Challenge - 30 days!
tnguyen65's post
The gooiest butterscotch pudding in the world. Two spoons aren't necessary, I won't be sharing #mydietstartstomorrow
9yr Spike Africa's Fresh Fish Bar & Grill
The gooiest butterscotch pudding in the world. Two spoons aren't necessary, I won't be sharing #m...