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Fairway files for bankruptcy :(
Sad news. Private equity fueled over expansion.
munchiemummy So sad. I always preferred those types of supermarkets as opposed to the "upscale" ones when I lived in NYC.
DietID_TeamDietitians So sad.. They have been around forever
Riki Ouch, Very sad indeed !
Vegan Product testing....portobello ravioli. Pepper, mushroom, cherry sauce.

DietID_TeamDietitians What did you use for the cream?
Welcome to Brooklyn.
Doughnut Plant

Sarah_Phillips Love Donut Plant
Food Revolution Day, Bend, Oregon
Savory Spice Shop Bend

Grow your food, to know your food!
Join us any time throughout the day to learn about growing your own food in Central Oregon, and chat with local farmers about what they offer. We are giving out ...
sugardetoxme This is marvelous!!!! Thanks for posting. This will show up on our community page on website too!
JulieCockburn Very cool! Thanks so much!
DietID_TeamDietitians so stellar! cc: @JamieOliversFoodRevolution
How Minimum Wage Hikes Could Affect Small Scale Franchisees

"Despite evidence to the contrary, fast-food franchisees say wage hikes will affect their bottom line." These are small privately run businesses we are talking about. #policynews
DietID_TeamDietitians this is such an important discussion, because a lot of 'small businesses' in America are actually franchises - where the independent business owner absorbs all risk. As someone who grew up in a...
annefood So true, Rachna. Good to hear your comments on this.