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Celebrity endorsements of food and drinks show that 80%+ are for junk food.
I knew the number was high, but this is pretty sad. I'm sure part of the issue is that healthier food options don't have budgets for celebrity endorsements.
  • darkchocolatepeanutbutter I don't like this trend at all. It reminds me of when celebrities endorsed cigarettes in advertisements. I'm glad Michelle Obama has celebrities endorsing fruits and veggies for her campaign but...
  • munchiemummy There should definitely be limitations on junk food advertising, just like there is for alcohol and cigarettes. Unfortunately, big food would put up a big fight.
  • etsummer I think it's harder too that junk foods are more branded. Easier to advertise Coca Cola than just 'zucchini' or 'peaches' in general.
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A common challenge: Eating plant based on vacation... I've turned that into a fun opportunity rather than a challenge -
I look forward to finding and trying plant based friendly eateries everywhere we travel. Our fami...
I look forward to finding and trying plant based friendly eateries everywhere we travel. Our family favorite in Chicago: Kale My Name! Our boys ask for it anytime we're headed to or through Chicago...
  • DietIDdietitian That's awesome! I agree it's fun -- one resource I find particularly helpful is HappyCow -- you can look up vegan, vegetarian, veg-friendly restaurants, and natural food stores by area at...
  • Shey La aplicación happy cow es buenísima yo también la he usado incluso cuando estaba de visita en P.R.
Pizza ready
Pizza ready
Healthy Eating at an Event
Eat the salmon or grilled chicken at events along with a side of veggies. Skip the bread or other...
Eat the salmon or grilled chicken at events along with a side of veggies. Skip the bread or other starchy foods. The more meat you eat the fuller you will feel.
India Just Hit A Massive Milestone, And The Entire World Should Take Note - a state with 100% organic farming!
I loved Sikkim when I visited. Ample recycling better than most cities, super clean, clear commit...
I loved Sikkim when I visited. Ample recycling better than most cities, super clean, clear commitment to equality, and now this! "India's Sikkim state now boasts 100 percent organic certification. ...
  • garv @Rachna initially, India was all about organic farming by default & then the commerce of feeding a rising middle class crept in. What Sikkim has achieved is impressive! A lot of restaurateurs are...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians So good to hear, but I can totally see the glorifying of industrial ag and fast food creeping in. @Jiwan is building organic farming practices in chitrakoot, so hopefully this spreads throughout...
WWP Check-in
Distraction free meal this evening
Hello Everyone! My 1st day here
How to leave a challenge so I can enter another?
9yr Wellcome Collection
dee's post