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Can I drink a sparkling water or is that also a soda
  • annefood Hey @bellaferg ! @dani is right—plain sparkling water / seltzer has no added sugar and is not a soda. However there are some flavored "sparkling waters" with sugar or artificial sweeteners that are...
  • akhilg2002 You def thinking the right way!!
  • bellaferg Thank you @annefood and @dani
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Diabetic friendly, no added sugar snack, Hi-FiBar!
"Delicious diabetic-friendly snack with high fiber, low carbs and zero added sugar. | Crowdfundin...
"Delicious diabetic-friendly snack with high fiber, low carbs and zero added sugar. | Crowdfunding is a democratic way to support the fundraising needs of your community. Make a contribution today!"
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Thanks for sharing! this is awesome! Are there any artificial sweeteners in this?
  • melaniegong Hi Rachna! No, there's no artificial sweeteners. We use monk fruit juice to sweeten it. It has zero calorie and doesn't cause tooth decay :)
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Wow!!! Very cool! I will definitely share with fellow diabetics!
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Quick question , do dried cranberries have added sugar in them ?
  • annefood @Lazy_Nash good question! Unfortunately yes, most do. Since cranberries are so tart, they are always sweetened when dried. Occasionally you can find fruit juice sweetened dried cranberries at a...
  • JenniferEmilson Some health food stores do carry sour dried cranberries. In other words, no sugar added. When you find them, stock up!! 👌🏻
  • annefood Good to know @JenniferEmilson ! I've never seen them entirely unsweetened in all of my health food store travels.
Bananas probably are a super food ,you can make ice cream,and today I made banana pancakes with no added sugar,what else can bananas do ?
Lazy_Nash's post
Food to lower cholesterol
  • darkchocolatepeanutbutter Hey, great question! There are two types of cholesterol, LDL and HDL. HDL is the healthier type of cholesterol while LDL is less healthy so there are certain foods that can raise HDL levels. Eating...
I'm looking for something to bake or cook with low calories. The less calories, the better. Does anyone know any? It doesn't have to be big.
  • annefood Hey @Uber - are you looking for a dinner option? Be sure to keep in mind that something low calories doesn't always equal a nutritious meal. A homemade salad is a definitely a healthier and lower...
  • Uber wow, thanks! (: @annefood your tips are always so good ^^
  • annefood You're welcome @Uber ! So glad they're helpful. Keep up the good work!
This is our raw organic matcha power bite; called Lakshmi "beauty and desire"
9yr 21 East First Street
This is our raw organic matcha power bite; called Lakshmi "beauty and desire"
New to this! Day one!! Any advice for healthy drinks?
7yr Handy Mart
noah's post
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What are good substitutes for eggs and butter?
First attempt at beef bone broth. If anyone has a good recipe, I'd love a pointer to it.
First attempt at beef bone broth. If anyone has a good recipe, I'd love a pointer to it.
  • Rudi Boil, strain, 'fridge overnight before skimming fat; keep it simple.
    Having your butcher cut the bones in half lengthwise and roasting in the oven first will add depth to the beef flavor.
  • MargaretG @rudi thank you for the tips!