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Age-old discussion between organic vs. local and which is better if you have to choose.
At least in this case, it seems as if local is getting some attention. "When it’s time to put you...
At least in this case, it seems as if local is getting some attention. "When it’s time to put your money where your mouth is, which should you buy, local or organic?" #FoodNews #BuyLocal #Locavore
  • mirasingh Not all farmers are the farmers markets are organic, but I talked to one of them and he said they barely spray, so I guess if local at the market means fewer pesticides than conventional, does that...
10 Tips For Maintaining Healthy Habits While Still Enjoying Summer
"2. Pack your meals and eat outside. Take your lunch break outdoors to a nearby park. The fresh a...
"2. Pack your meals and eat outside. Take your lunch break outdoors to a nearby park. The fresh air always does the mind a ton of good!"
Maple Strawberry Galette | ginger & chorizo
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Fourth of July Watermelon Pizza
"Happy Fourth of July! Celebrate with this, easy, refreshing and nutritious dish. Not only it is ...
"Happy Fourth of July! Celebrate with this, easy, refreshing and nutritious dish. Not only it is patriotic, each color will help boost your health.  Red strawberries for your heart, blueberries for …"
veggies Mediterranean style
avitalsebbag's post
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The average American woman now weighs as much as the average 1960s man - The Washington Post
"Americans are now the world's third-heaviest people, behind only the Pacific island nations of T...
"Americans are now the world's third-heaviest people, behind only the Pacific island nations of Tonga and Micronesia."
Children May Need Help Staying Hydrated In Summer
"From sports camps to running around on the playground, kids can log long hours in the summer hea...
"From sports camps to running around on the playground, kids can log long hours in the summer heat. Many don't stop to drink water. A few simple moves by camps, coaches and parents can help."
Kellogg aims for 'halo effect' by placing cereal in the produce section | Food Dive
moving in the wrong direction!! I can't believe this is allowed. Looks like Pollan's rules of 'do...
moving in the wrong direction!! I can't believe this is allowed. Looks like Pollan's rules of 'don't shop in the center of the grocery store' will no longer apply.
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Paying Farmers to Go Organic, Even Before the Crops Come In - The New York Times
Great to see farmers are getting transition deals, but also interesting that the main transition crops are being used for animal feed. Let's grow some veggies people!
  • FarmerDave It's really great to see this happening, but I agree, this should be happening for fruits and vegetables and not just animal feed.
Love me some avocado toast.
Kitty's post