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Eat Your Fruit and Veggies and Be Happy
"Parents all over the world are constantly telling their kids to eat their veggies “because it’s ...
"Parents all over the world are constantly telling their kids to eat their veggies “because it’s good for you”. Studies have long shown that the risk of cancer and heart attacks can be greatly redu...
The Surprising Health Benefits of Basil
"Read on to learn four perks you’ll reap the next time you top your margarita pizza or pesto past...
"Read on to learn four perks you’ll reap the next time you top your margarita pizza or pesto pasta with some basil."
ELI5: Why can you feel full after a 600 calorie proper meal, but not feel full after 600 calorie worth of junk food? : explainlikeimfive
"If you eat a dinner with rice, potatoes, meat, vegetables, etc., you can feel (somewhat) full after consuming 600 calories. Yet if you eat two..."
King Corn director Aaron Woolff
8yr Brooklyn Historical Society
ladyofgrand's post
So many dishes, so little thyme. Summer squash going down in all restaurants tomorrow.
diginn's post
  • mirasingh Yum! I've been seeing summer squash all over the market, so was hoping it would make it to your menu.
  • SpiceySpice When are you expanding west of the east coast?!
  • darkchocolatepeanutbutter I know what I'm eating for lunch tomorrow!
Pure clean food
avitalsebbag's post
Fruit Platter for Breakfast with all fresh fruit from the garden except for the watermelon and holiday planning by the side ☀️
carpe_deli's post
Why Fiber Is So Important For Your Health
"You know it's good for you, but how good?"
"You know it's good for you, but how good?"
  • darkchocolatepeanutbutter I always feel like fiber doesn't get enough love 😪 Anyone know any food/nutrition books that discuss this?
  • NehaNBB I don't know of any books, but my mother always told me to eat more veggies to get more fiber as a general rule of thumb. Even if fiber doesn't do anything magical, pushing the fiber agenda also...
Phony food getting mainstream media attention!
Love that some of these issues (olive oil, fish procurement, labeling, etc.) are starting to get ...
Love that some of these issues (olive oil, fish procurement, labeling, etc.) are starting to get mainstream media attention. There is even a Hacker News thread about this article now! https://news....
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"Kristen Beddard @KristenBeddard is the queen of kale in France—she reintroduced kale to French f...
"Kristen Beddard @KristenBeddard is the queen of kale in France—she reintroduced kale to French farmers! One thing led to another, and The Kale Project is now a bi-lingual blog that teaches about k...