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Vermicomposting Harnesses The Pooping Power Of Worms For The Good Of Humanity: Hype Or Real Deal? : Goats and Soda : NPR

"What comes out of the tail end of worms appears to be very good for crops."
A great visual of what 100 calories of various foods looks like

From the Food Network
Freezer Meals: 21 Make-Ahead Recipes to Eat All Week - What are you favorite make ahead meals?

I'm a big fan of the Sunday cooking party to cook for the week. Not all of these recipes are very balanced, but it's given me a ton of ideas of how to prep nutritious meals so I can eat home-cooked...
munchiemummy I roasted a whole chicken on Sunday, incorporated it into dinner on Monday, and make stock from the carcass that I can freeze for soup or cooking later on.
DietID_TeamDietitians So good @munchiemummy! Cooking can be much easier if we use all parts
10 Plant-based Proteins You Should be Eating

The stigma has always been - if you want to be vegetarian, you won't get enough protein. This list highlights just how wrong that is! And in fact, the only olympic weightlifter from the US in Rio i...
Gwendolyn This is so helpful! #meatlessmonday
Rio 2016: International chefs cooking surplus Olympic food for city's poorest residents

Such a great example of #nofoodwaste in a big event setting! "A group of international chefs has launched an effort to tackle the widespread hunger problem in Rio de Janeiro by cooking surplus food...
Veganism’s place in the climate change debate | Letters | Environment | The Guardian

"Letters: We can practise all the accepted methods of reducing carbon emissions, but nothing is more effective than choosing to have no more than two children"
We’re So Confused: The Problems With Food and Exercise Studies - The New York Times
This is sort of a grim piece on the state of 'studies' on health. While I agree, many studies with conflicting information and poor design are released for the benefit of click-bait-y headlines, I ...
Friday inspiration: New food businesses finding a place to start!

Love this intersection of space + people + food: taking an old Army Terminal that's sat vacant for half a century and turning it into vibrant food hub, providing access for people to turn their foo...
DietID_TeamDietitians Yes! So excited about this!
Can hipsters stomach the unpalatable truth about avocado toast? | Joanna Blythman | Opinion | The Guardian

"Avocados are bountiful in our food culture and all over Instagram. But communities in Mexico are suffering because of our fetishisation"
Fresh Produce From Upstate Headed to NYC Via New $20M South Bronx Hub - Hunts Point - DNAinfo New York

Ok this is so so amazing! "A 120,000 square-foot terminal will be the hub for produce the state has certified safe and sustainable."