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Take Control Of Your Sweet Tooth (Sponsored Post by Siggi's Dairy)
"Instead of muscling your way through your next sugar craving, here are 6 ways to give in to it…i...
The Little Kitchens That Could -
I just hope that many small businesses put together make a massive impact !
Day 1
Day 1/1: Avoid Soda Level I
Friday Inspiration: MIT Researchers Tapping the Hidden Value of Farm Waste
Love that this research and prototyping is making progress: enabling farmers to make better use o...
All of the things on my plate are leftover and come together for a fast, delicious veggie-filled lunch.
Day 17/30: Eat 5 Servings of Fruits & Veggies Per Day Level IV
Feeling great :-)
Day 6/7: Avoid Sugar at Breakfast Level II
Almost done! Packed in bell peppers and arugula in steamed lentils
Day 29/30: Eat 5 Servings of Fruits & Veggies Per Day Level IV I used a steam cooker to prep the...
Almonds and vegetables
Day 1/3: Avoid Sweets, Dessert, and Candy Level I
Add your kimchi and juice at the very end of preparing Kimchi Fried Rice and Scallion Salad to keep the most possible probiotics active.
"I can’t believe we’re almost finished the second half of January.  Boy time flies when you’re ha...
How a national food policy could save millions of American lives - The Washington Post
"A comprehensive plan would protect health, farmers and the environment."