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FitnessBlender's Garlic and Basil Butternut Squash Soup
I've been craving soup lately and I FINALLY had the time to make some for dinner. I got this clea...
To avoid fast food prepare some healthy snacks beforehand and bring them with you. 😁🍎
Speedy dinner - baked tandoori salmon with a veggie primavera with mushroom pasta!
Day 8/30: Eat Real Food Level IV Salmon baked for 12 minutes on 400. It was marinated with garli...
No sugary breakfast!
Day 8/30: Eat Real Food Level IV Avo toast with onions jalapeños and topped with an egg. The toa...
teriyaki cauliflower & kale stir-fry | Jackie Newgent
"A "tasteovers by jackie" recipe by Jackie Newgent, RDN"
Change yourself without a terrible wake up call!
Can I make several challenges at a time?
Apple cinnamon oatmeal
Apple cinnamon oatmeal: 1/2 Apple, peeled and chopped. (Plus 1/4 c. Water) 1 cup milk 1 cup wate...
Development at the cost of nutrition!
"Cheap, high-fat and nutrient-poor food exposes GenNext to the twin bane of malnutrition and obes...
Recovery and Positivity
Hi everyone, I'm happy to finally be writing a post. A month and a half ago I went the ER with na...