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Rawsome Meetup #MeatlessMonday
"If you're new to eating a vegan diet, it can be challenging to find a balance between being soci...
Busboys and Poets
A great #meatlessmonday lunch or weekend brunch recipe, pesto baked eggs in mushrooms! Link to recipe in profile
A real no-fuss brunch idea. How much of a pain is it to cook eggs for a lot of people? That's the...
#meatlessmonday #nofoodwaste creation of muttia - a traditional Gujarati dish made with zucchini and cilantro - stems included!
This is a super healthy alternative to meat substitutes, with a zucchini base. First, shred 2 squ...
I'm making this very yummy spinach salad for Memorial Day. What are you making
"This is a great, easy summer salad with a lot of options as to mixing and matching. When the Gor...
Funghi con Linguine
Bigging up mushrooms during national vegetarian week with this "meat free" mushroom linguine.... ...
Eat meat daily, die early.
For those of us who are omnivores, we might want to consider doing only Meat on Mondays vs. #Meat...
Chopping away to make my family-famous veggie lasagna for dinner tonight! ❤️ #meatlessmonday
#kitchentip for a #meatlessmonday salad- fry up some spicy chickpeas with paprika and cayenne as a salad topper
Make these ahead of time and top your salads, grain bowls, or just eat them as. Here's a good rec...
Iron Horse
A fresh savoury cobbler for #meatlessmonday
"This was the last weekend of March, 2016.  And it was a glorious one, in Toronto.  True, the air...
Researchers find early onset of puberty affected by red meat intake | The Michigan Daily
"According to University of Michigan research released last week, girls who eat red meat more oft...