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Sign off for the day on the No Added Sugar challenge? Logging everything as I go is keeping me on the straight and narrow. But... My day 2 check ins were all going against day 1 ...then it seeme...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Hey Ellie, I'm so sorry you had this issue. Normally, you should be able to check in, and the check in gets recorded for the current day. If you're checking in around midnight, sometimes the...
  • Ellie1601 Thanks Rachna! Will do! :-)
Pesto zoodles with baked salmon - lunch in 20 minutes, full of real food!
Day 21/30: Eat Real Food Level IV
Day 21/30: Eat Real Food Level IV
  • annefood Yum!
  • humvee That looks amazing! Please do put up some of your amazing recipes! They're too good!
Another easy dinner - baked chicken and winter veggies seasoned with chili, coriander, cumin powder, turmeric, and tons of garlic.
Day 17/30: Eat Real Food Level IV

25 minutes on 425, and it's perfect!
Day 17/30: Eat Real Food Level IV 25 minutes on 425, and it's perfect!
Resisted all this unhealthy food while I was completely surrounded with it! Feeling good!! Positivity is the secret!!
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Fab work! What was your trick?
  • humvee Thank you! I just kept thinking of how I was just harming my body by putting unhealthy food in and unlike the other times I tried resisting the urge, this time I wasn't telling myself that I was...
  • annefood YES! So glad to hear it!
See all 4 comments...
Michael Pollan healthy eating tips | Well+Good
"The food guru gets real on everything from the marketing power of avocados to why cooking is a r...
"The food guru gets real on everything from the marketing power of avocados to why cooking is a revolutionary act."
Homemade pizza topped with tons of veggies
Day 6/30: Eat Real Food Level IV
Used a sourdough crust, which worked perfectly
Day 6/30: Eat Real Food Level IV
Used a sourdough crust, which worked perfectly
I lost 5 kg in one month, only by quitting added sugar! Not eating less neither working out, only eating real food :-D
AhmedZ's post
Am I only supposed to avoid sugar at breakfast or for every meal
  • annefood @gettinghealthy this Challenge is for avoiding sugar at breakfast, but if you would like to avoid sugar at every meal you can try the "Avoid Added Sugar Challenge"
Zoodles and lentil soup! 30 minute meal :)
Day 4/30: Eat Real Food Level IV
Day 4/30: Eat Real Food Level IV
Put that glass of juice down! - Mumbai Mirror
"Why juicing could actually be bad for your health."
"Why juicing could actually be bad for your health."
  • annefood Great share @garv !
  • garv @annefood just reiterates what you've posted earlier. I gave up drinking juices after reading your posts on juices not being so good after all!
  • annefood @garv so glad to hear it! I used to be a juice fan too and now I stick to whole fruit and the occasional homemade smoothie.