Philippa Channer, Food-Lover
Ashton-Sandy Spring, Maryland
About me
Full time follower of Christ, mother, wife and gamer. When I am not taking care of my family, working hard or taking some personal time, you will find me gaming. As for food, I recently made the decision that my mind body and soul are way to precious to not take care of. Working on improving myself from the inside out, including what I eat and my spiritual walk. Right now my staple meal item I have everyday would be a green shake. Enough to cover 2 meals which I supplement with some sort of protein (chicken, avocado, stake etc.,). Other than that I choose fresh or frozen veggies and a protein. Sometimes starches but not too much. I enjoy some sugary foods also but in low quantities and moderation.
Guys. Please!! Does a spoon of this count as a snack??? It can't possibly. It's nuts right? Right???

Day 2/3: Avoid Sweets, Dessert, and Candy Level I
annefood Hey @Philippa ! Good question. While nutella does contain nuts, unfortunately the first ingredient is sugar. If you have a tiny taste, count it as 1/2 free pass in your Avoid Sweets Challenge. If...
Philippa Ha I figured. The worst. Avoiding it.
annefood @Philippa yeah unfortunately nutella is not the best when it comes to nutrition. If you're craving a spoonful of something, try a spoonful of peanut butter. Not the same chocolatey sweetness, but...
Grilled cheese and green shake. Ate the sandwich before taking the photo

Day 1/3: Avoid Sweets, Dessert, and Candy Level I
DietID_TeamDietitians =) nice work!! filling up on veggies and fruits, even in shake form, are a great way to cut back on cravings.