@localrootsnyc, Organization
Brooklyn, New York
About me
We create community around local food through a CSA reimagined to fit the needs of New Yorkers as well as farmers. We also host dinners.
localrootsnyc.orgEdamame Spread with Radishes

🕛 Boil 1.5 cups raw, shelled edamame in salty water
🕑 Blend cooked edamame with lemon zest and juice of 1 lemon til smooth. Add salt and pepper to taste.
🕒 spread on a @hotbreadkitchen hearty bre...
🕑 Blend cooked edamame with lemon zest and juice of 1 lemon til smooth. Add salt and pepper to taste.
🕒 spread on a @hotbreadkitchen hearty bre...
DietID_TeamDietitians Total win. Chickpeas can take a back seat 👍🏼
The Doughnut Project

We gave the Doughnut Project beets from our CSA and they made these beautiful beet ricotta doughnuts! SWOON
Athina I am in love !
sugardetoxme No way!
DietID_TeamDietitians Ok these should be trending! And not those damn rainbow bagels full of artificial coloring!
THE GOOD FESTIVAL: A mini conference bringing you closer to your local food, the farmers that grow it, and a mindful agriculture
Threes Brewing

"Grow deep roots with your local food and farmers at our mini food conference. Workshops include medicinal herbs, vignette's into a farmer's life, worm composting and sustainable cooking techniques"
localrootsnyc Workshop details on our website!!!
localrootsnyc So excited for our Vignettes into a Farmer's Life workshop with some wonderful upstate NY farmers in attendance talking about daily operations on a farm and also how it feels emotionally to be a...
Last night's dinner made entirely of Local Roots CSA ingredients: soft boiled Millport Dairy eggs with sautéed mushrooms, charred carrots and rutabaga, miso glazed turnips topped with micro greens ...

Georegulus Millport Dairy is the bomb
sugardetoxme I get Millport's Dilly Beans. Reminds me of my grams
sugardetoxme Speaking of which, does anyone know that farmers name at the US farmers market who always Reps Millport's?
Kabocha miso spread on a gluten free bread topped with pea shoots - a healthy breakfast made from our CSA share

localrootsnyc A huge perk of having a winter CsA is appreciating greens so much more and trying new things out with winter crops
DietID_TeamDietitians Ok I'm coming over for breakfast
darkchocolatepeanutbutter Sounds amazing! What type of miso do you use? @localrootsnyc