Francesca Zampollo, Food-Lover
Varces-Allières-et-Risset, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
About me
Food Design teacher, consultant, researcher, writer, Youtuber | Founder of Online School of Food Design | Sustainable Food Design instigator
onlineschooloffooddesign.orgHow do I choose additional challenges? (Besides the one I'm already taking?) thanks!
DietID_TeamDietitians Hi @francesca! So glad you joined. For now you can do one challenge at a time. We've designed it that way because people are better at building long-lasting habits by focusing on one thing at a...
francesca Brilliant! Thanks! Love this app!
DietID_TeamDietitians =) Glad to hear it! If you have any other feedback for us, feel free to send me a direct message or send an email to the team via the feedback link in your Profile -> Settings.