Food Writer
Toronto, Ontario
About me
Toronto-based food blogger, amateur community gardener, and improvisational cook. On a mission to make "foodie" mean more than "brunch photographer".
alterneats.wordpress.comStartup Series #3: FlashFood & The Dirt(y Secret) on Food Waste | Against The Grain

"After returning from a weekend stacked wall to wall with chefs, gardeners, technologists, and entrepreneurs at NYC’s first ever Food Loves Tech (more on this later, I promise), I returned to …" #N...
DietID_TeamDietitians You should also check out the means database - it's a matching program for food waste donation and pickup. They have a great model in a bunch of states around the US and probably easy to expand to...
ainsleigh Thanks for the tip, @Rachna! Definitely going to look into that.