Lejweleputswa, Free State
About me
Finance student, furbaby enthusiast, footballer & foodie 📚⚽️🍒
I made it 11 days on the The Avoid Soda Challenge!
annefood Woo hoo keep up the good work @Candacegloag13 !!
Candacegloag13 Thanks @annefood
I made it 4 days on the The Avoid Soda Challenge!
annefood Keep it up @Candacegloag13 !!
Candacegloag13 Thank you @annefood
I made it 10 days on the The Avoid Sweets Challenge!
annefood Keep up the good work @Candacegloag13 ! How has it been going?
Candacegloag13 Easy when I'm busy, not so easy when I'm not @annefood
annefood Ah yes I totally feel you. I keep toasted almonds, oranges, and tea on hand so that when I'm tempted I can reach for something more nutritious instead of sweets. One of the three tends to satisfy...