Threw in the basil stalks for my #nofoodwaste pesto! I was a little skeptical of the texture but once I stirred it into some spaghetti squash, I couldn't tell the difference.
DietID_TeamDietitians 9yr Stems work!!
annefood 9yr #tipoftheday
The Hub of Hubs: New York is Investing $15 Million in Large-Scale Regional Food Distribution | Civil Eats

"With the support of a multitude of organizations, New York City hopes to create a wholesale facility to benefit farmers and low-income consumers—and everyone in between.
Grow food, not grass, to fight climate change | MNN - Mother Nature Network

"Turning a grassy lawn into a vegetable garden can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new study." #KnowYourFarmer #BeYourFarmer
terryhope Love the sound of this! Always hated lawns, always loved gardens
lauren agreed @terryhope!!
anyone know what kind of bean this is?

found at @mottstreeturbanfarm
garv Isn't it Lima?
DietID_TeamDietitians Looks like Lima!
terryhope A most beautiful lima, maybe like a Greek gigantes kind?
my first attempt at pumpkin seed milk

currently playing around with sweetening/straining (because I think it needs it...)