Snowing outside yet again...
Making a home vegetable soup remedy
Just for Fun
Carrot, Lentils, Quinoa, Russet Potato, Snap Green Beans, Yellow Onion, Red Bell Pepper, Celery root
Nutrition of Pure Maple Syrup vs Honey | Healthy Eating | SF Gate

"Pure maple syrup and honey are commonly labeled as healthy and natural sweeteners -- often as an alternative to sugar or sugar substitutes. Contrary to what some believe, there are few similaritie...
New Reasons Why You Should Keep a Food Journal - WSJ

"Keeping a food journal—writing down everything you eat before you eat it—is a powerful way to change habits and identify food triggers of allergic and other reactions."
etsummer I do this to keep from snacking mindlessly and it really helps. Makes me measure things out and keeps me from going back for more and more. Because no one wants to have to write down "4 cookies" or...
Mighty Waldorf Salad | Jamie Oliver - YouTube

"Jamie gives this famous recipe a unique twist that’s going to blow your mind - roasted grapes. Sounds odd but the natural balsamic sweetness and sticky caram..."
Riki My mom's Waldorf Salad was great, But I suspect that Jamie Oliver's "Mighty Waldorf Salad", is the greatest. Thanks Jamie, Going to make it and enjoy it!
JamieOliversFoodRevolution one of our favorites too!! Keep up the good work @Riki -- it's all about #FoodRevolution !
This Chart is the Only Thing You Need to See to Understand Why Vegan is Best For the Planet | One Green Planet

"New research shows how beef is worse for the environment than all of the other animal-based proteins. "
Riki It is interesting but, I'm not ready to give up all other pleasures yet and not going Vegan any time soon :)
munchiemummy More and more research supporting one common theme: less meat is better. For us and for the world we live in
Riki Agree, and we're not ignoring it all together. We've reduced consumption of meat significantly, consume mostly organic chicken in smaller quantities and are increasing fish and plant base sources...
This creation turned less interesting, thus I added crushed tomato and beans.
I try stay away from any pre made broth for the most part, as I want to control exactly what's in our home made food :)
sorry for later response.