A light but tasty octopus/potatoes boiled and broiled with just a drizzle of extravirgin olive oil
Exploring Mrs. CrockPot

Chickpeas 5 hours on high - perfect !
The green stuff is Alga Kombu
The green stuff is Alga Kombu
gingerandchorizo Interesting idea to add kombu! Looks yummy! What are you cooking with the chickpeas later?
gessdiro They are delicious as they are (I added Kombu, onion, sage, black pepper - salt Only once cooked or they come hard) But You can also blend half of them making a nice cream and you can add pasta to...
gingerandchorizo Thanks for the tips! @gessdiro
Refreshened Leftover. Bluefish with onions, tumeric, capers and taggiasche olives, Two days later meets a fresh red tomato.

Georegulus An undersppreciated fish
gessdiro Indeed!
CHiPS Pop-Up Restaurant
CHIPS Soup Kitchen

Not to miss - For the first time ever - Park Slope CHiPS Soup Kitchen and Shelter for homeless young women & their infants - becomes Pop Up Restaurant with amazing Italian Chef Teresa!
gessdiro Join me and Let's Support CHIPS enjoying a delicious meal by amazing Chef Teresa
gessdiro Two shifts available: 1.30 pm and 5 pm
DietID_TeamDietitians Park slope peeps! @Udi @MarcelPezet