Cafe Grumpy's Las Flores is the best coffee right now. Guaranteed to brighten any grumpy morning
Heirloom beans are open pollinated seeds that if planted yield the exact same bean. In any case, always delicious when slowly cooked.

DietID_TeamDietitians Greenmarket find?
Reclaimthetable Unusually, Not this time Rachna. Dried Rancho Gordo Ayocote white
DietID_TeamDietitians O wow these look awesome. Christmas Lima beans!
Asparagus season is short. Making the most of this member of the lily family. The plant has virtually no leaves: its stems are branches.

etsummer Just made a shaved asparagus salad and had never prepared them that way until now. Definitely a fan.
Thanks for an excellent discussion with Michael Moss and Evan Hanczor. You are the best Foodstand!
DietID_TeamDietitians xoxoxo
This promises to be a great event