annefood 6yr I’m afraid I don’t know of any. But I can tell you that I used to be an avid gum chewer and I have since kicked the habit. It was hard at first but now I don’t miss it at all! Not a direct substitute but you could put some fresh mint in sparkling water- it’s minty, delicious and refreshing!
DietID_TeamDietitians 6yr I was also an avid gum chewer but kicked the habit by turning to an old school Indian solution - “Mukhwas” - which is usually a combo of seeds that act as a mouth freshener. The easiest one is fennel seeds. If you pop into any Indian grocery store and ask for “plain mukhwas” you’ll find it. It is definitely an acquired taste, but I’ve grown to love it as mother nature’s mouth freshener.
gracealina 6yr Thanks! I will try the minty water. I put some lemon and cucumber in my sparkling water at home and that was nice too. I’ve had something like that at an Indian restaurant before, though I think it had some candy in there too? Surely I could find it without. Great ideas.
DietID_TeamDietitians 6yr @gracealina - yes you're right. Some indian restaurants have candy-coated fennel seeds as their mouth freshner. But any indian grocery store will also sell plain seeds that don't have any added sugar.