annefood 7yr Exactly. Which is why we created Foodstand! Processed food makes the big food giants money, and marketing is powerful. It can be hard to sort through the misinformation!
garv 7yr I guess we start with ourselves & people around us will follow. Although I’m in India , I am glad I discovered Foodstand ! Would be happy to chip in with ideas ...
LDA 7yr Foodstand has kept me accountable. My husband and I are on a low carb meal plan. We are doing relatively good so far. It has definitely made me more aware of what I was eating.
garv 7yr @LDA keep at it! Carbs aren’t the enemy as long as you consume complex carbs.
annefood 7yr So glad Foodstand has kept you accountable and made you more aware @LDA! And very true about carbs @garv. @LDA what type of carbs have you been trying to avoid?
LDA 7yr Pasta!!! I am trying to use as little processed food as possible. Also trying to stay with good dietary fiber. Still doing a lot of research in the "good,bad & ugly" of carbs!
annefood 7yr Great @LDA ! Glad you’re eating plenty of fiber and focusing on cutting out refined/white carbs. Make sure to keep those whole grain and fruit and veggie carbs coming :)
LDA 7yr Will do @Anne food
annefood 7yr 👍🏼