Fill 50% of Plate with Fruits and Veggies, Avoid Added Sugar, Eat More Fruits & Veggies Per Day, Avoid Fast Food, Eat Less Meat
annefood 7yr Looks fab!
LDA 7yr Looks good!!! Will add that to my repertoire!!
Vegetable Lasagna
I love making veggie lasagna! Although I normally use ground turkey instead of the mushrooms and limit it to two layers instead of three to control my portion sizes, and use whole wheat pasta inst...
annefood Love that you're making such a veggie-centric dish!
I have successfully completed 4 consecutive days in the 5 fruits and veggies a day challenge and am feeling great! 🙂
annefood So proud of you @msantiago !
Learned new trick from my trainer! Add fruit in your 64 oz of water - get extra fruit serving in! Eat and replace the fruit though!
annefood Yes! This is one of our favorite ways to not only get extra fruit, but also avoid drinking beverages with added sugar- the fruit naturally sweetens the water! 👍🏼
I replaced my after dinner snack with sliced banana and strawberries and I felt refreshed and light once I went to bed! 😉
annefood Such a great choice! Keep up the great work!