I'm curious which groups/diets would be interested in this. If I don't eat meat I don't know how I feel about eating insect protein. Either way though this is amazing! Crazy what food scientists are doing in this space right now
I've talked to some veggies about crickets and they still feel like it's animal protein, but the reaction is less strong. I think maybe because crickets are bugs, there is sell sensitivity?? I think crickets are great alt for meat eaters looking to reduce their carbon footprint
@etsummer I don't eat meat either but honestly I think I feel better about eating this than overly processed fake meat options... In my mind they're in a different category than meat
"With the support of a multitude of organizations, New York City hopes to create a wholesale facility to benefit farmers and low-income consumers—and everyone in between. "
"Turning a grassy lawn into a vegetable garden can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new study." #KnowYourFarmer#BeYourFarmer
Love the sound of this! Always hated lawns, always loved gardens