I mean, is it a good thing for places that can't get/grow a lot of fresh vegetables to have plants genetically modified to withstand drought & other climatic problems? Probably. But is this study probably paid for by Monsanto so that people are less terrified of veggies with built-in pesticides? ... Maybe?
"New research shows that WIC program participants mostly redeem their benefits at large stores, but small, local operations are still an important resource." #foodpolicy#foodnews
"Despite evidence to the contrary, fast-food franchisees say wage hikes will affect their bottom line." These are small privately run businesses we are talking about. #policynews
this is such an important discussion, because a lot of 'small businesses' in America are actually franchises - where the independent business owner absorbs all risk. As someone who grew up in a...
So true, Rachna. Good to hear your comments on this.
My hunch is that Monsanto GMO corn with embedded pesticides is not great for human health. A good part of the EU is anti GMO. It makes one wonder if they take better care of their citizen's health.