mirasingh 9yr This happens to me all the time because I always over-buy tomatoes. Slice and toss the moldy parts. If you have more than one, these are great for a shakshukah. You can also make a tomato jam like this one http://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1017532-tomato-jam
sugardetoxme 9yr I always do tomato sauce or gazpacho!
olivettefarm 9yr Tomato jam or chutney are top on my list! Storing your tomatoes in a cool, dark space will help slow down the ripening/over-ripening process.
JenniferEmilson 9yr Roast them in the oven, sliced with a little olive oil, Rosemary, salt and pepper till just charred. Rough chop or quick whiz in the food processor. Store in freezer bag till you want to make roasted tomato soup or sugo.