DietID_TeamDietitians 9yr Is this bad thing or a good thing?
annefood 9yr I'm not sure if it's necessarily good or bad, but what it does show us is that when we're craving something sweet, something with artificial sweeteners won't satisfy your brain even though you taste "sweet". It doesn't give the same dopamine release. @darkchocolatepeanutbutter do you have any thoughts on this?
darkchocolatepeanutbutter 9yr I agree with you Anne. I've been reading about how non-nutritive sweeteners like Splenda that use sucralose can increase our sugar cravings. I wonder if the brain can tell the difference between sugars like Stevia and agave nectar.
garv 9yr Well , artificial sweeteners do impart a different sense of sweetness that isn't quite gratifying, I guess it's also because we are aware of what we are eating. It will be interesting to test this with an identical recipe of say a brownie, done in 2 batches ; 1 with sugar & 1 with a substitute and then blind tasting both ...
annefood 9yr That's a good question @darkchocolatepeanutbutter. @garv the study did essentially that over a number of weeks. But I wonder how the sweet eater actually felt about what he or she was eating and the effect it had on the body. Would be interesting to know.
annefood 9yr Here is the study http://eatingdisorders.ucsd.edu/research/pdf_papers/2008/frank2008sucrose.pdf
heartandbelly 9yr The problem with artificial sweeteners is that upon tasting something sweet, your body releases insulin in anticipation of high blood sugar levels to come. The body doesn't differentiate between real and artificial in that response!
garv 9yr @heartandbelly that's what I believe too but this study just shows that our body knows better!
heartandbelly 9yr @garv will have to read the study, didn't realize they touched on insulin response! Still not touching Splenda either way though 😉
annefood 9yr Agreed about Splenda and artificial sweeteners in general @heartandbelly ! After @simplyseema's "If I handed you a glass of water and shared with you that there is poison in it, would you drink it?" post, no fake sweeteners for me ever!
garv 9yr @heartandbelly : cross your heart&belly that you won't touch Splenda ! Love the name though!
JenniferEmilson 9yr Even when we were kids we could tell if someone handed us a diet pop- that disgusting aftertaste. I've tried xylitol and can't stand it. Stevia makes my teeth ache. I'd rather use less natural sugars than artificially contrived ones. Dried fruit, coconut palm sugar etc.