Pomelos, grapefruit's sweeter and mellower relative, have a wealth of flavor - LA Times
Wishing I was home in sunny California right about now!! "In late winter in Southern California, we're spoiled by citrus. Look around most neighborhoods and you see trees laden with oranges and lemons and limes. At local farmers markets, vendors display more exotic citrus: kumquats, tangerines, Meyer lemons, calamondins and maybe even finger limes. But if you're lucky, you'll also find the near-volleyball-sized Citrus maxima . This "biggest citrus" is the pomelo, a sweeter, mellower and more floral relative of the grapefruit, which is, by the way, a cross between a pomelo and an orange. You can find pomelos, which are available from late fall to early spring, in the produce aisles of well-stocked grocery stores, but they're most fun to get at farmers markets, where they look rather liked balls racked at a bowling alley."