Extra chilly weather calls for extra delicious soup! Turmeric Miso Soup with Sweet Potato, Portobello Mushrooms, Jerusalem Artichoke (Sunchoke), Fresh ginger, Garlic, and Dried Coriander. 😊🍲
Dried Coriander, Garlic, Jerusalem Artichoke (Sunchoke), Miso, Sweet Potato, Turmeric, Himalayan Pink Salt, Fresh ginger, Portobello Mushrooms
gingerandchorizo 9yr My kind of soup 😊
DietID_TeamDietitians 9yr Yessssd turmeric is so warming!
Homemade Fermented, Local Beans
Brooklyn, NY

After visiting an inspiring Korean place, I've been trying to ferment all my grains and beans. It's been going pretty well so far! Excited to try out the process with these gorgeous beans I just pi...
WFH = eating at home. 🎉 Big ol' bowl of sweet potato, bok choy, quinoa, radish, spices, and lotsa fresh lemon juice.

sugardetoxme That's beautiful
DietID_TeamDietitians Look at those radishes!
miachel @sugardetoxme @Rachna Thank you! 😊
Dinner from last night! Parsnip, Parsley Root, and Carrot Soup with fried garlic and shaved sunchokes on top. 🍴

DietID_TeamDietitians Winter's bounty!
Emma The sunchokes look beautiful!
miachel @Rachna Totally! 😊