"All-Purpose California Beef Rub" - NYTimes
Because no one knows what Californian's like like the New York Times does.
Cayenne Pepper, Cinnamon, Garlic, Ground Cloves, Coffee, Kosher salt, Prime rib
Even more juicy grapefruit
My old cross country coach taught me this trick -- throw a little sea salt on your citrus and it makes it a little more juicy!
lauren This looks diviiiiiiine
Taste the rainbow
DietID_TeamDietitians Final product?
EmilyKim @Rachna the world's ugliest but most delicious spring rolls
DietID_TeamDietitians Haha! Spring rolls are so hard! It's definitely a learned technique
Juice shots
My roomie is saving me with her juice shots and flower pellets 🙏🏼