Brekkie today: Creamsicle Smoothie. And don't waste the orange peels: at the bottom of the trash can (under the bag) they are deodorizer; dried peels work great in brown sugar to keep it from drying out, and in water in a spray bottle- insect repellent! I also see banana bread 😁😊 #NoFoodWaste
DietID_TeamDietitians 9yr Whoa! Never heard of he tip to keep orange peels in brown sugar. @annefood we should share!
annefood 9yr @Rachna all set!
gingerandchorizo 9yr Thanks for the tips!
For all the veggies, or even meatless meals, here's my UnMac Cauliflower and Cheese.

"We are constantly being told to eat healthier. Lose the sugar. Drop the carbs. Avoid processed and packaged foods. Eat more vegetables. Have meatless days. …"
annefood Thanks for the share @JenniferEmilson ! Love this indulgent eat more veggies / meatless recipe!
lauren Love this! Two of my favorite things, cauli + mac n cheese 😍
JenniferEmilson Thanks @annefood and @lauren It's healthy and decadent at the same time
I was successful in eating less meat. But a big pot of Bone Broth means getting a whack of nutrients and collagen.

"It’s January 1, 2016. Always kind of a strange day. I mean, it is a day like any other day, right. But it’s not. Because of the arbitrary way we currently keep track o…"
mirasingh But hey, this is a great way to prevent food waste!
Another Meatless Monday classic: Cauliflower Pie. And it's not just for Mondays!

happytoeat Is there a recipe for this? I think I want to make this for dinner tonight.
NehaNBB This looks AMAZING
JenniferEmilson If you google 'Ottolenghi Cauliflower Pie, it will come up! @happytoeat