Rothamsted Research Station
West Common
Harpenden Hertfordshire
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Any Foodstander farmers in London? "Healthy crops, healthy food: How do we stop microscopic fungi affecting crop yields and grain quality? will be held at Rothamsted Research on Wednesday 6th July from 4.30pm to 7.30pm. This public event will focus on one of the most serious diseases to emerge on cereal crops since the early 1990s. Fusarium ear blight disease affects wheat, barley, oats, rye, rice and maize crops. The Fusarium fungus infects crops if wet weather prevails during flowering and then colonises the developing floral tissue and grain. The outcomes are all highly undesirable: lower grain yields, reduced grain quality and contamination of the grain with toxins which are harmful to humans and animals. In the EU, USA, Brazil, China and elsewhere there are strict legal limits on the levels of specific Fusarium toxins that can enter the human food and animal feed supply chains.  The event includes: An introductory talk from Professor Kim Hammond-Kosack - How do we stop microscopic fungi affecting crop yields and grain quality?    Walking tour of a wheat field trial to see, for yourself, the disease levels on different cultivars. Please wear appropriate footwear. Four interactive exhibits from scientists conducting Fusarium, and plant pathogen related, research. The fungal blueprint of life: Learn about how the fungal genome is explored to expose potential weaknesses. The Fusarium lab: A virtual Fusarium lab will demonstrate how early infection is diagnosed and how gene function is investigated. Fusarium: Friend and Foe: Explore the negative and the positive impacts of Fusarium on society. How to sustainably control Fusarium: Learn about existing Fusarium control and the development of novel approaches to minimise the disease in wheat crops.   Follow us, and the event, on twitter: #HealthyCropsHealthyFood @Rothamsted"