Burlingame Public Library
What People are Saying
"“For the first time in history, we’re spending more energy on producing our food than we are getting in return in the form of calories,” says one community gardener in “Edible City,” a documentary about the “Local Good Food Movement” that will be shown free to the public on Wednesday, June 15, by the Citizens Environmental Council of Burlingame.
This 55-minute, fast-paced film introduces a diverse cast of Bay Area locals who are challenging the U.S. model of food production based on cheap fossil fuel energy by supporting food grown close to where it’s consumed. The goal is a new paradigm of food production and distribution which will not only promote good health, but also improve local economies and bring communities closer together.
“If you know where something came from and you communicate with the farmer, then you actually know quite a bit about its production and how safe the food is,” explains one supporter.
“Edible City” will be shown from 7 to 8 p.m. in the Lane Room at the Burlingame Public Library, 480 Primrose Road. A brief discussion will follow. Admission is free, and door prizes will be given out, including extras for those who don’t drive alone to this event. You can watch a preview of the movie here: http://bit.ly/25u6fjZ
The Citizens Environmental Council of Burlingame (CEC) is a nonprofit organization that provides tools to help Burlingame residents live more sustainably. For more information about CEC, visit www.cecburlingame.org or email info@burlingamecec.org."