Asheville, NC
North Carolina 28801
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What People are Saying

"Ready to go WILD? Join us on a trip "off the eaten path." You'll learn how to SAFELY gather edible wild plants, mushrooms, and other "extreme cuisine." After our woodland shopping spree, we'll cook up a sampling for a wild foods pick-nic. Then take your pick: bring home the rest of your "catch of the day" or take it to one of four award-winning Asheville restaurants, where the chef will prepare whatever you bring in, on the spot, for free . You could call it "Survivor meets Iron Chef." We call it find dining . Wild food is the ultimate natural food: ultra-local, fresher, more flavorful, 10 to 100 times more nutritious than its garden-variety descendants, AND it’s free! With over 300 wild edibles, Western North Carolina is the richest temperate ecosystem on Earth. Exploring this Garden of Eden, you'll meet anywhere from twelve to thirty wild foods, focusing on the most common edibles you might find in your own woods or backyard. There is actually more wild food in the city than the country. It’s time to eat the neighbors! Discover how easy it is to "take in the landscape.” Outings are suitable for all ages and abilities. Our introductory e-book is included and all equipment is provided. We'll even take photos so you don't have to. Tours available daily , year-round, by arrangement. Discounts and packages available. For a taste of the wild life, forage ahead and experience the life of a modern hunter-gather firsthand. It's a unique experience in self-catering, a memorable lesson in high-class survival."