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What was your biggest #foodfail?
We're all human, and even the best chefs have disastrous kitchen moments. Here are ten of our fav...
We're all human, and even the best chefs have disastrous kitchen moments. Here are ten of our favorite answers from Behind The Plate - check it out. Audrey @unconventionalbaker said "Broccoli chees...
  • unconventionalbaker Haha. I still cringe at the memory of that cheesecake 🙈🙈😄 Gosh, so many relatable ones. I've definitely presented plenty a "deconstructed" dessert. And meringues are trickier than they seem! Unripe...
  • Ricky I feel like they've decreased ever since I unplugged my smoke alarm, but that might just be a matter of perception.
  • annefood @Ricky love it!!! 👍🏼👍🏼 I definitely set the toaster oven completely on fire as a child. It was engulfed in flames.
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#FoodFail "Healthy choices" plastered all over a soda fridge. At checkout. At a hospital. How is this a thing?
so much is wrong here: Soda is the only drink at check out AND it's wrapped in messaging that it'...
so much is wrong here: Soda is the only drink at check out AND it's wrapped in messaging that it's healthy, and paired with a decal that tells you to "balance what you eat, drink, and do." Serious ...
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