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Starbucks will start donating 100% of its unused food to those in need
"If you’ve ever wondered where all those bistro boxes go after closing time, here's an answer you...
"If you’ve ever wondered where all those bistro boxes go after closing time, here's an answer you can get behind."
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U.K. grocer embraces 'wonky' veg to trim waste | MNN - Mother Nature Network
"Walmart's British cousin Asda gets serious about selling funny-looking vegetables."
"Walmart's British cousin Asda gets serious about selling funny-looking vegetables."
  • mirasingh Are there any US grocers who are doing this?
  • sugardetoxme Not that I know of. We're so late to the game. I'm wondering if an organization, particularly a non-profit, can help lead that challenge. Maybe @NRDC? Would be easier than for ordinary citizens to...
  • katewilson I for one would be interested in joining that petition!
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"Use up all of the berries" Berry Mac Nut Oatmeal.
Lunch today, breakfast tomorrow. Thank you #BlueberryFarm for such a great produce selection and made-in-house eats!
MrsXtina's post
Huffington Post launches a Campaign for #NoFoodWaste at Walmart
Sign it if you want to see ugly fruit and veggies at Walmart. 

"We have the collective power to ...
Sign it if you want to see ugly fruit and veggies at Walmart. "We have the collective power to address the madness that results in one third of all food produced for human consumption being lost ...
Reduce and Recover: Save Food for People
8yr Harvard Law School
The Harvard Law School Center for Health Law & Policy Innovation will be gathering lead-thinkers ...
The Harvard Law School Center for Health Law & Policy Innovation will be gathering lead-thinkers and innovators on #NoFoodWaste initiatives. Register now if interested.
Reduce Food Waste – Cook Smarts
Awesome site to help people cook at home! "Cook on a Budget Reduce Food Waste When you cook on a budget, you’re not only saving money, you’re also reducing food waste. That’s because using up the i...
Food Pantries Address a Growing Hunger Problem at Colleges
very cool program #NoFoodWaste
Copenhagen's Christiania district to host Japanese food festival
Anyone going to be in Copenhagen at any point in the next month? "In what could be the first food...
Anyone going to be in Copenhagen at any point in the next month? "In what could be the first food festival of its kind, a month-long Japanese feast is set to take place in Copenhagen’s self-governi...
Carrot top #Pesto. Swap out basil for your carrot tops and follow your favorite pesto recipe. BOOM ⚡️ #FoodRevolution
8yr Diamond Lake